With January being National Train Your Dog Month, this is a good reminder of how important obedience training is for pets. Taking the time to train your dog can provide you with some notable benefits. Keep the following in mind while you teach your dog new commands or work on other kinds of training, such as house training.
More Enjoyable Walks
Walks with your dog can be frustrating when you have to deal with frequent pulling on the leash. Training your dog to walk calmly on a leash can make your daily walks much more enjoyable for both of you.
Improved Safety
Training your dog to stay or come when called is an important part of keeping him safe. When your dog obeys these commands, there’s a lower risk of having him run into busy roads, chase after other animals or get into other dangerous or harmful situations.
Mental Stimulation
Dogs need mental stimulation regularly in order to prevent frustration or boredom. Having training sessions with your dog provides this kind of stimulation. When your dog has to focus on learning what to do and when to do it, this keeps his brain active.
Bonding Time
Training your dog isn’t just about safety, pleasant walks and mental stimulation. When you work with your dog on training, this also helps strengthen the bond between the two of you. Your training sessions allow you to spend time together, which is important for your dog’s happiness. Having a stronger bond with your dog also results in a more rewarding experience as a pet owner.
Socialization is an essential part of training for all dogs. Dogs that are socialized learn how to behave properly in different settings and around people and other animals that they don’t know. Whether you train your dog at the local dog park or while you’re out on walks, you’ll have opportunities to work on socialization.
Training Tips
If you’re planning on training your dog, keep in mind that you should stay positive. Reward your dog with praise and treats during training, so that he’ll be eager to listen to commands and do what he’s supposed to. You should also keep training sessions on the short side, such as breaking up training into 10 to 15-minute sessions throughout your day. Longer sessions can cause your dog to become bored or distracted.
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