Why Is My Dog So Gassy?

Why Is My Dog So Gassy?

While it’s common for dogs to pass gas from time to time, frequent gassiness isn’t considered normal. If you’ve noticed that your dog seems gassier than usual, knowing more about why this might happen is important. Once you determine what might be causing this gassiness, you can take steps to manage it. This can help your dog feel happier and healthier while also reducing unpleasant pet odor in your home. Keep the following information about gassiness in dogs in mind.

 Causes of Gassiness in Dogs

Gassiness in dogs is often caused by what they eat. Dogs can become gassy on a regular basis if they’re eating dog food that is hard for them to properly digest. These foods might contain certain ingredients that dogs have trouble digesting, such as a high amount of fats, peas, or beans. Dogs can also become gassy if they eat table scraps that their digestive system can’t handle well, such as dairy products or spicy foods. If your dog has these kinds of table scraps on a regular basis, chronic gassiness can occur. Dogs can also become gassy after eating spoiled food.

Other causes of gassiness in dogs include eating too fast or swallowing air while they’re eating. Gassiness can also happen if you change your dog’s diet suddenly instead of gradually, since the digestive system needs time to adjust to new foods. Dogs that are overweight or don’t get much exercise also have a higher risk of becoming gassy on a regular basis.

Managing Gassiness in Dogs

If your dog has been gassy, you might start with a vet visit, especially if other symptoms are present, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Gassiness can be a symptom of gastrointestinal conditions, intestinal parasites, or other medical conditions that need treatment. After ruling out underlying health problems as causes of gassiness, your vet can recommend dietary changes that help support healthy digestion. This might involve switching to a dog food with less fat or less fiber. You should also avoid feeding your dog any foods that seem to trigger gassiness, such as dairy products or peas.

Changing how you feed your dog might also help. For example, you might be able to reduce gassiness if you feed your dog smaller amounts more frequently rather than one or two large meals per day. This helps prevent your dog from eating too much food too quickly and swallowing air while eating. With dietary changes and any other treatment your vet recommends, your dog’s gassiness should improve.

If your dog is gassy you might want to keep Pet House Room Sprays on hand to instantly eliminate pet odors.

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